Project news

Project news

Our PI @ikeraguirreza recently visited @OSavateev at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, sharing recent research results of the #CATART Project. 👨‍🔬 ⚗


📣A new publication about the latest results of the CATART research activities from the @GiustoGroup is available online!


Congrats @PaoloGiusto and Sonia! @MpiciPotsdam @ChemSusChem

..and before closing for the summer break, let's have a look to the video by @PaoloGiusto and Sonia from @MpiciPotsdam about their mission within the CATART project!

Happy holidays to everybody!

Great Science in Bilbao at @CCESC2024!! The partners of the #CATARTProject presented their results about the role of photocatalysis in the design of our sustainable future.


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