Project news
December 22, 2022 2022-12-27 11:37Project news
Today we highlight two contributions recently published by the group of @tnoel82 (@NoelGroupUvA ) from the @UvA_Amsterdam! 🤩 Stay tuned for news and updates about the CATART Project 👇 👇 👇
What a great start to 2025 for the #CATART Project! Have a look to the latest contribution from our partners @MpiciPotsdam. @PaoloGiusto @OSavateev @GiustoGroup @SavateevLab
Hot from the press: the final report of the "Solar-to-X" meeting has been published, including contributions from #CATART Project, see:
...and today we hear about the activities of Clara Coiana from TU/e SUSTAINABLE ENERGY and PROCESS TECHNOLOGY at Eindhoven University of Technology: a fundamental contribution towards the success of the CATART Project!